


A Play by Jed McKenna It is what it is, they say — but is it? Jed McKenna has always been more about destroying…

GEMINI Opening music, sung by children in a loop: rock-a-bye baby, on the treetop when the wind blows, the cradle will rock when the…

Twenty-something GUY and GIRL enter audience left and right and conduct separate cellphone conversations. GUY Yeah, no, no… yeah… it’s like a mini intermission.…

PINKY TOUCH Transition music sung by children: ring-a-round the rosie a pocket full of posies ashes, ashes, we all fall down! repeat CHARACTERS All…

GIRL Yeah, me again… yeah, they do this gimmicky thing between acts so I just come out and call you… (looks in surprise at…

PARADE Transition music, sung by kids in a loop: this is the song that never ends. it just goes on and on my friends.…

GUY Oh my God! It was just a couple of old farts watching a parade! I know, like I’m psychic or something, right? ……

DEBATE Transition music sung by children: humpty dumpty sat on a wall, humpty dumpty had a great fall. all the king’s horses and all…

GIRL I can’t talk long, I gotta pee… it’s okay, I’m sure the government knows people gotta pee… no, no, yeah, it was like…

ANATTA Transition music, sung by kids: while the moon her watch is keeping all through the night while the weary world is sleeping all…

GUY Yeah, me. Jesus, wow, that one was fucked up. I have no idea what I just saw. Listen, by the way, I uh,…

FEDALLAH Transition music, sung by kids: oh! jolly is the gale, and a joker is the whale, just a’ flourishin’ his tail, such a…

GUY Yeah, whassup? Yeah, still going… this last thing was like a weird Moby Dick remix… no, not Moby, Moby Dick. What? No, Moby…

DELPHI Transition music, sung by kids as a round: row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is…

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