“The big secret is no secret at all. It’s just sitting there
in case you want to look. I’m looking at it right now
and I’m not even trying. Everywhere I look, there it is,
so not a very big secret really.”
Marichelle is awake. She is from Switzerland and now lives on an island off Honduras. In response to many requests, she gave a one-time series of talks in English to a small group. The transcript of these talks has been provided to me with permission to use. Attempts to organize this material only seem to make things worse, so I’m just presenting the best of it in loosely strung-together bite-sized bits. The talks were lively, but audience interactions have not been retained. I have made minor changes for readability.
Thinking and seeing are the same thing like believing and dreaming are the same thing. If you want to stay in coma you have to use believing. If you want to come out of coma you have to use thinking.
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