“Please be so good as to believe that there is nothing whatever mysterious about this matter. If it were easy, should we not all be Buddhas? No doubt, but the apparent difficulty is due to our conditioning. The apparent mystery, on the other hand, is just an inability to perceive the obvious owing to a conditioned reflex which causes us persistently to look in the wrong direction.”
Wei Wu Wei
So what’s the big mystery? From my perspective, everything is visible, everything can be understood, and everything makes sense. Nothing is hidden or withheld. Anyone who wants to know can know. We are programmed from birth to believe that our existence is an unsolvable riddle, but if we make an effort, then we find that mystery itself is the riddle. Not just what is the big mystery, but why is there a big mystery? Why is there any mystery at all, and what if there isn’t? What if the mysterium tremendum is just an internal belief without any external counterpart?
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